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Sometimes the best vintage figure deals can come from garage sales, small toy conventions and believe it or not, church thrift stores!
@he-dad That's fair. There were a lot of bugs, like the search function and friend request was broken. But I still loved being there, warts and all. 🙂
I am so happy you're here EB! Welcome!
You can absolutely post this here.🙂 You might have seen me around there. I am a member too, and donated! What's exactly going on over there? Personall...
Thanks for sharing this Zexis! 🙂
Perhaps he will be as big as Two Bad. I can't wait to see pics!
It certainly feels that way today, doesn't it? 😄
That is interesting! You are saying Netflix passed on the project first? I haven't heard that or considered that possibility before. Did you happen to...
Just hanging out? Maybe on a road trip? That does sound like it would be a fun movie! There's some great fan fiction out there, perhaps it's already b...
I knew you looked familiar! 😃 Welcome!!!
Wow, that is frustrating. I wonder what is the reasoning behind why those particular figures aren't in Germany. It doesn't quite feel fair to collecto...
Or perhaps pick an opportune time like at the San Diego Comic-Con or equivalent. I guess we'll see!