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From what I can tell there are still 4 prints available for purchase on the Alex Ross website.
I missed out on the regular print back when it was offered through Sideshow and regretted missing it ever since.
I purchased one yesterday, its the Printer's Proof ltd to 25, priced at $595 each.
If you are interested, this is your chance. They offer affirm so you can buy with a payment plan which is what I did.
I don't understand why these prints are so costly. It is not like it includes a frame. 250 maybe but not 600.
@talonfighter 'tis steep, indeed 😅
but's autographed by mr. ross. i must admit that would be so cool, to own a signed piece by one of my all-time favourite comic artists.
and it's a great big size too. not sure if i can get it tho as I'm currently putting money aside for family's christmas presents. i hope he'll have them to offer again some where down the line.
@adoralovely 25 inches still feels small. I wonder how wide the original painting is.
@talonfighter hmmm....there's a good question. lol
judging by the sheer amount of detail in the piece, i'd guess 75 inches tops (this is coming from a girl who isn't an art nerd, so my guess is best taken with a pinch of salt 😅)
i'm wondering if alex used real models for this work (as he does for reference in many of his paintings)
@adoralovely I wish I could afford an original Alex Ross. I see them go for 10 to 20 thousand dollars. I guess it's cheap for fine art but still too rich for little poor me!