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Masters of the Universe: Revolution Thoughts.
What shall I say about this show. To start I can say since it’s Netflix debut I have watched it upwards of 15 times. Each time around I catch something different, some line, some detail, some music that grabs me. I feel the voice acting was more on point this time. The recasts didn’t bother me, and I do think Melissa was the voice of Teela needed for this series. I feel the animation was just as good if not a bit better than before. There were so many gorgeous shots that I want as wallpapers for my laptop, and screen saver for my TV.
There were interactions in this series I didn’t know I was waiting for. Orko and Gwildor bickering. Both getting to say one half of the incantation. Seeing them insult and bicker with each other was awesome. I never as a kid didn’t think they both couldn’t be in the same universe and that Gwildor was on Orko replacement.
Hordak was a proper tyrant in this version. Calculating, manipulative, cold, and terrifying. His speech to Motherboard to execute the next phase of the plan to get Keldor crowed was a masterpiece. This was a villain to fear.
Shatner as Keldor, the other half of nerdom playing off Hamill was chef’s kiss. I loved the way they split the usage of the two actors especially when Shatner started a line and Hamil finished it. The threat level of Skeletor increased in a lot. Seeing him finally accept that he is Skeletor and took down Hordak was great to see. Like Keldor said they are meant to Master the Universe.
When Adam gave the crown to Keldor and became the high adventure hero he was born to be, he was the happiest He-man I have ever seen portrayed in any Media. He brought hope with him, and enjoyed what he was doing. I liked the way to cure the virus was to share the power and how he found out by sharing it with that, boy. It got dusty in the room during that scene. The Power Sword, Orb of Grayskull or whatever power chose him and his sister, (there I said it Despara is Adora she is coming,) chose well. Did any of the previous champions call upon the fabulous secrets of Grayskull without a conduit? Like Man-At-Arms said in Revelation Adam gave the power away that is what made him a hero. He was the only one in Preternia that was in his appeared lesser form. The twins were special probably because they were of mixed blood. I was always a fan of Adam is really who he is when he is He-Man adventuring, the lazy prince is the act. Chris brought something to both Adam and He-Man that I appreciated and enjoyed.
Then the moment that I knew I wanted to see happen happened, but of course before it could happen we got the great lines between Gwildor and Orko “What the devil are they doing?” “training”. I kinda took it as they are training. This is the next level of who they are. Then came the declaration of love, not with the traditional words but ones that were special for them. The way he whispered the words, “By the power of Grayskull,” how many times do you think Chris practiced saying that line to his actual wife Melissa once she was cast? I got chills and had to rewind it and watch it again. I fully admit this 43 year old man cried. Then promptly laughed when Gwildor said “you know I think those two have the hots for each other.” Seeing these two finally come together is something that has never left my mind since the late 80’s. The way this sequence played out was beautiful.
I have a theory Randor also had his memory of Adora removed. This could possibly be explained if we get a third part, (which I hope is guaranteed at this time).
EVIL 2.0 🗯
Skeletor "Skeletek" marketing art for the 2024 Netflix series "Masters of the Universe: Revolution". 🎨
We have the Power!
There were interactions in this series I didn’t know I was waiting for. Orko and Gwildor bickering. Both getting to say one half of the incantation. Seeing them insult and bicker with each other was awesome. I never as a kid didn’t think they both couldn’t be in the same universe and that Gwildor was on Orko replacement.
I loved reading your thoughts! In regards to Orko and Gwildor, I do wish they had a little extra time in the series to flesh out a character arc for them... a realization after all their bickering, they had much more in common than they first thought. And after all those short jokes, Gwildor could finish with a compliment like "out of all the magic users I know, you sir, stand the tallest" 🙂
We have the Power!
@admin I agree they could have used a bit more time together, but I think they will be teamed together should we get a 3rd part. Adam/He-Man trusted both of these two in different for different reasons and it was nice to see them together. I can see them having more a sibling relationship where they do jab at each other but in a loving way. Eventually I think they will have the moment where they both give a compliment to each other but then go right back to bickering.
TRIVIA FROM ETERNIA - #017 - A bee's intuition? 🐝 As Keldor was crowned King in the animated series Masters of the Universe: Revolution Episode 2 "Ascension"... everyone appeared to salute, cheer and celebrate it except Buzz-Off.
We have the Power!