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Has filming finally begun for the new "Masters of the Universe" Movie? It's possible! Since the Summer of 2024 we have been reporting that filming for the “Masters of the Universe” Movie was slated to begin this January 2025. The only thing that we were uncertain to report on was the precise starting date for filming. Yes, publications like Production Weekly, Production List and IMDB / IMDB Pro had all been indicating since this past September that filming would begin on or around January 6th. But even if accurate, as time goes by, many things can affect the validity of…
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I wish the movie had some more star power in front of and behind the camera. A name(s) to get fans and general audiences excited. So far the movie sounds kinda B movie-ish. When Idris Elba and Jared Leto are the top line names on your call sheet then you have a problem. I hope the script is good!
I think if the script is great as Guardians of the Galaxy it won't need big stars. That movie made Chris Pratt a superstar and this will do the same for Nick if it's great.
@mrhootiedean It says something that the animated Nextflix show had way more big name actors in it than this live action movie
Hmm 🤔 Don’t see how they would fit She-Ra into this unless it’s a cameo or maybe she’s the one on earth? I dig the casting choice though and hope she’s actually in the movie..
@mrhootiedean It says something that the animated Nextflix show had way more big name actors in it than this live action movie
All the money is going into sets. Prince Adam's office job is going to look ultra realistic!