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2018 Hordak is basically just MOTU Shadow the Hedgehog

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This is gonna be a weird topic for me to bring up.

Anyone here a Sonic fan? or at least played a certain game or seen a certain movie last year? Or even played a certain game from 2001 or 2005?

Yeah Princesses of Power Hordak is Shadow the Hedgehog

- Born as lab experiments

- Even more eviler than Satan dads who created them and want them to rejoin their alien army (Horde Prime/Black Doom) of which they do so, at least Shadow if you do in his titular game. Whether Shadow gains the approval of Doom like Hordak want to for Horde Prime depends on how you play the Shadow '05 game.

- Has major morality self-conflictions. If you don't know, Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) had you choose the path of either ten endings depending on mission paths you choose of being the hero, neutral, or killing Sonic or Eggman and knowing THIS IS WHO I AM!

- A sweet girl they know for a while whom they consider their only friend. Granted Maria is dead and her and Shadow DEFINITELY had a sibling/best friend relationship while Entrapta is someone quirky Hordak gains romantic feelings for.

- It's ultimately these relationships that make them reform.



Granted in the end Shadow is canonically and always will be The Blue Blur's heroic anti-hero doppelgänger and while Hordak did have a happy ending in Princesses of Power (somewhat from at least we're shown. ND said he did a ton of community service), new incarnations of the MOTU franchise going forward will keep having Hordak as the series 2nd main overlord villain that maybe I'm hoping one day Entrapta will tag along with him again.

Been a while since I've watched Princesses of Power so correct me if I'm wrong on any of these or maybe again if you're a Sonic fan maybe point out any more similarities you can think of.


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