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MasterChef: Dessert Masters Season 2 Coming Soon

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Welcome the contestants for Season 2 of Dessert Masters, hosted by Melissa Leong & Amaury Guichon, coming later this year. This will be the new thread for the whole season.



Emelia Jackson
Reece Hignell
Darren Purchese
Katherine Sabbath
Alisha Henderson
Christy Tania
Dan Pasquali
Donato Toce
Jana Lai
John Demetrios

*Reposted from Melissa Leong.

*SWEET FIENDS, START YOUR ENGINES! The great @amauryguichon and I are beyond thrilled to present to you our #DessertMastersAU Season 2 contestants!

Each of them, a titan of their own corner of the sweet universe, and then some. From cake queens to plated princes, globally renowned legends, and home-grown @masterchefau royalty, they are all here and ready to blow your minds!

...are you getting the feeling I'm a bit excited?!*

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This thread is meant to be for Dessert Masters Season 2 coming later this year, but I had to post the news that MasterChef Australia Season 17 2025 will be a Back To Win season for past contestants to come back for a second chance. The new season will be hosted by current judges: Andy Allen, Sofia Levin, Poh Ling Yeow & Jean-Christophe Novelli.😊

I hope my buddy Juan De La Cruz is one of the contestants who are Back To Win along with other favourites!❤️

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Tonight on the Deal Or No Deal game show is a special MasterChef reunion as the team win money for a noted charity to help battle Motor Neuron Disease.


Judges Andy Allen & Sofia Levin are the contestants while past MasterChef alumni are handling the cases.

I can't tell from the brief preview, but I am hoping Juan De La Cruz will be one of the guests on Celebrity Deal Or No Deal.
*Reposted from lovely and talented MC alumnus Kishwar Chowdhury.

*When the @masterchefau crew got together and rallied behind @andyallencooks and @sofiaklevin to try and hit the Jackpot on Celebrity @dealornodealausfunds !!

Tune in 7:30pm tonight to see how much our crew managed to bag for a very special cause @fightmnd on @Channel10AU and @10PlayAU

Suitcase glamour girl outfit by @mastani.label *

As for my boy Juan, apparently he might be releasing a travel documentary of sorts on Netflix sometime soon. He says:
*Get ready to travel back thousands of years with the Nativo Experience by Patagonia Profunda.

After a scenic ride along the shores of Lago Argentino, we reached the Cliffside Viewpoint for breathtaking panoramas of the lake, mountains, and El Calafate.

Then, stepped into the ancient world of the natives through an archaeological site that preserves their rock art, inviting us to interpret their stories.*


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MasterChef Dessert Masters Season 2 starts Monday October 14, with hosts Melissa Leong & Amaury Guichon!❤️

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I am excited for MasterChef: Dessert Masters which starts on Monday October 14. I can't wait to share all the photos of the creations that are coming, you won't believe your eyes...and taste buds (metaphorically speaking of course). I wish Smellovision and Taste-Vision were a thing! 😀 

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I think that Alisha Henderson should have won immunity for her garden dessert, it's a little early to pick a favourite, but I'm leaning toward Alisha this season. She reminds me a bit of Adrienne Wilkinson (Livia/Eve) from Xena: Warrior Princess.
Here's another photo of this dessert and one of the lady herself.
Here's what she said about her creation:
*I made a wattleseed sable to construct the delicious structure. The flavours are reminiscent of a Turkish delight, with spiced chocolate mousse, rose turkish delights, sour raspberry jelly, spiced cacao and seedy crumble, rose cream parfait & pistachio praline.

The moveable drawer houses the spiced seed crumble to scoop and sprinkle over the garden for the perfect crunch on top.*

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Tonight on Dessert Masters was the first elimination of the season.

Christy Tania had won immunity last week so she was safe and didn't need to compete, and it turns out John Demetrios (who did compete) didn't need to use his Mystery Box to save himself (I wonder what's in there anyway).
The theme of the night was all about optical illusions - to make a dessert that looks like something else entirely but still has great taste.
The highlights of the night included Alisha Henderson's "Salad" comprised of green chocolate cabbage leaves concealing a carrot cake with carrot gel, chocolate and beetroot mousse and corn cream and crumble in a bed of chocolate soil. I can't find a photo of the leaves opened though. I am really warming up to Alisha and I hope she wins. 😍 

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Darren Purchese's "Avocado On Toast" comprised of avocado mousse, vanilla sponge made to look like toast and a coffee ice cream avocado seed on top.

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Jana Lai's "Vegemite Jar" made of chocolate and Vegemite caramel, vanilla rice pudding, a jar lid made of chocolate and the aforementioned caramel, and an edible label, all served with cake toast!

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Emelia Jackson's "Strawberry Patch" comprised of strawberries (made of chocolate and strawberry cream but looking like real strawberries) in a chocolate garden.

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John Demetrios & Dan Pasquali fared well with their blueberry and lemon flavoured rock garden and moss covered chocolate log respectively.
However, there were some clunkers tonight! Donato Toce's "Sea Urchin" looked more like a spiked chocolate and orange ball and was not nearly creative enough. Reece Hignell tried to make a beehive with a honey cake and cream but his dessert broke and was uneven in texture and too thick in places. 
Unfortunately, it was Katherine Sabbath whose albeit attractive little sand castle cheesecake, white chocolate seashells and lychee jelly ocean cubes who failed to impress the judges. Although her dessert looked good, it was distinctively lacking in flavour, the desert limes used to flavour the cheesecake were not flavoursome enough and were too bland. Therefore she was eliminated.
Farewell, Katherine!

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Last night on MasterChef: Dessert Masters was the high-octane Relay Test! The 9 contestants were sorted into three teams by taking a coloured apron from a bag. The teams were as follows:

Team Pink: Darren, Christy & Dan

Team Green: Reece, John & Donato

Team Purple: Jana, Alisha & Emelia

Instead of having the contestants who made the least favourable dish play for elimination, they chose the team with the best dish to be immune from tonight's elimination. That leaves 6 contestants who face elimination tonight.

Team Purple won the immunity, so Jana, Alisha & Emelia are safe from the elimination. I am so delighted Alisha is safe!



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Here is a photo of the winning dish from Emelia Jackson, Alisha Henderson & Jana Lai! This dish consists of bread pudding, maple ice cream, poached quince, muesli crunch and ricotta chantilly cream.



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Although the immunity challenge on MasterChef: Dessert Masters was last night, the elimination was tonight so we didn't have to wait a whole week. That was a sweet surprise (pun intended). 😉

As you know, Alisha, Emelia & Jana won the immunity last night and were safe from tonight. Yay Alisha!

Darren, Donato, Dan, Christy, John & Reece had to play the elimination. They had to choose an Australian classic dessert, add either blueberries or apples as a compulsory ingredient and make it new.

Darren chose a vanilla slice and made an apple and smoked white chocolate mille-feuille but he oversmoked the cream and it was way too overpowering.

Donato chose scones and made a scone gelato and blueberry sundae, but the blueberry jam was split and the scone was underused and not really flavoursome.

Reece chose a vanilla slice and made it with apple gel and cream with pastry tuile crowns.

John chose sponge cake and made a blueberry meringue cake.

Dan chose lamingtons and made a blueberry & cream lamington in the shape of a blueberry.



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Christy chose a custard tart and made one in the shape of an apple with cinnamon and nutmeg crumb, leaves and tuile. Here is the dessert with judges Melissa Leong & Amaury Guichon tasting it.

Christy & Dan made the spectacular winning desserts while John & Reece came close with theirs.

The bottom two were Darren & Donato.

Although Darren's smoked white chocolate cream was too strong, it was Donato's scone gelato that had no flavour at all so he was eliminated.

Next time, the remaining 8 contestants have to create a dessert inspired by the circus! John still has his Mystery Box with its hidden advantage.



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Time for some sweet magic courtesy of Dessert Masters!

Tonight was inspired by Cirque Du Soleil, and the contestants had to make a dish inspired by the phenomenon.
I couldn't possibly remember all the elements of every dish, I was too mindblown by the spectacle of tonight's contest, but I do have photos of some of the best dishes!
Sadly, Alisha's mango cake was considered too sweet and dense, but it looked pretty (although there's no photo for this one sorry). I just hope she does better tomorrow night because it is another elimination where they have to recreate one of co-host Amaury Guichon's desserts. The other co-host Melissa Leong will join the winners of tonight's immunity up in the gantry.
Before we get to the best, other interesting dishes included John's chocolate bon bons in different flavours, Jana's unicycle made of sugar with a popcorn and apple ball on top, and Dan's plethora of balls balancing on a cake. I couldn't get photos of these sorry.
One of the highlights of the evening was Reece's rhubarb ribbon and sorbet dessert.

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Another highlight was Darren's circus platter. Even the dish was edible!

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Now for the two winners of the evening. First we have Emelia's toffee apple tarte tartin with rhubarb tuile. The tart is under all the tuile.

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The most impressive dish of the night was Christy's black forest cake balanced on a chocolate dish balanced on top of chocolate balls balanced on top of another cake. She even installed real twinkling lights on the dish! I was terrified that she was going to drop it while carrying it to the judges.

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Melissa & Amaury couldn't decide who to award immunity to, so they gave both Emelia & Christy immunity for tomorrow night!
This means that Alisha, Jana, Darren, Reece, John & Dan have to battle it out in tomorrow's elimination!

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