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Got A Hate Site Shu...
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Got A Hate Site Shut Down

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Palace Guard
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I got a hate site shut down this week, one email to the right person and I got the site shut down. I feared the escalation of bullies being emboldened by the merchandise - and whatever else would have been posted - on the site to commit hate crimes, so I reported it and it got shut down. I would do it again in a heartbeat too. When I vowed to become a social justice warrior, I meant it and I don't just "talk the talk". Now I take action. The funny thing is that the person whose hate site it was believes they were taken down by a company. No company, just ME.


I can't go into too much detail, but it was an anti-LGBTQ site selling hateful merchandise and profiting a certain politician, plus there were certain copycat sites. Without the main site, the copycats can't do much. I'm well prepared to keep shutting it down if this person tries to start any new sites. I won't allow hate on my watch.


 I have received praise from a lot of people for what I've done and I am touched. I just had to do what I thought I was right and minimise the threat of innocent people being victimised by mob-like bullies emboldened by the hate merchandise on offer.

Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
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Cosmic reacted
Palace Guard
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Joined: 3 years ago
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A hateful bigot has been shut down for good on Instagram (not sure if I am able to name names though)! As you know, I got her "don't be weak and gay" website shut down with an email I sent to the web server, and although she started another, this is one less rightwing lunatic to worry about on Instagram. I've been reporting her account for months, and although I am not so egotistical that I can claim this as a personal victory on my own (most likely many other people have probably reported her too), it does feel a little like a win for those like me who champion equal rights. Unfortunately, she has started another website, but I will get it shut down with due diligence if possible.

Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!


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