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MOTU Classics Roton for Sale/Trade

3 Posts
2 Users
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Some background - I bought this from PaulMartStore shortly after it was released. Paul had opened it enough the get the Skelcon out (which he sold separately) but otherwise left it in the box.
It has been sitting on a shelf ever since. I have never removed it from the box. It was the only Classics vehicle I bought, so I have no reason to keep it. It takes up too much space, and I would like to get rid of it.
It took a long time to find a box that was big enough to ship it, but I have one now.

$100 shipped or best offer. U.S. buyers only and paypal only.

I would also do a trade for a MOTUC Gygor (must be complete but can be loose) (my Gygor has lost his axe) or a MIB Commemorative Series He-Man.

I can provide pictures if there is interest. Thanks!

He-Mayon 07/05/2024 11:19 am

@gygor can I see a picture?

Gygor Topic starter 07/05/2024 12:28 pm

@He-Mayon Added 3 photos to the first post. It's not easy to tell from the photos, but the second photo was meant to show some bending/shelf wear on the edge of the box.

He-Mayon 07/05/2024 6:59 pm

@gygor Thanks bud. I didn't realize it was still packed in the box. True condition unknown. I will pass but you're cool.


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