The exciting third installment of the Darkhorse Comics four issue limited series “Masterverse” hit comic book shelves last week (available at your local comic book store and digital download retailer) and now we finally have a look at the third and final variant cover for issue four. If you recall, last February we broke the […]
It’s new comic book day! And today, in the depths of Castle Grayskull, the Sorceress continues to save her champion from Zodac, defending He-Man with more tales of his influence across the multiverse! With three variant covers to choose from, Issue #3 of this four issue anthology series (written by Tim Seeley with art by […]
The first four pages from the third issue of the upcoming Dark Horse anthology comic series titled “MASTERVERSE” is now online, courtesy of Now while it does not spoil the entire issue, it does contain some spoilers, so please keep that in mind if you plan to proceed. Check out this sneak peek: PREVIEW: […]
It’s new comic book day! And today, in the depths of Castle Grayskull, the Sorceress continues her attempt to save He-Man from Zodac, defending He-Man with more tales of his influence across the multiverse! With three variant covers to choose from, issue #2 of this four issue anthology series features two multiverse tales: One featuring […]
The first five pages from the second issue of the upcoming Dark Horse anthology comic series titled “MASTERVERSE” is now online, courtesy of MonkeysFightingRobots. Now while it does not spoil the entire issue, it does contain some spoilers, so please keep that in mind if you plan to proceed. “Masterverse” Issue #2 from Dark Horse Comics debuts […]
Well this exciting! While only the first issue of the four comic anthology series “Masterverse” from Dark Horse comics has been released so far (available at comic book stores and digital retailers everywhere), pre-orders are now available for the “Masters of the Universe: Masterverse” Trade Paperback book! Collecting Masterverse comic issues #1 through #4, the […]
The exciting first installment of the upcoming Darkhorse Comics four issue limited series “Masterverse” hit comic book shelves this week (available at your local comic book store and digital download retailer) and now we already have an exciting tease of what the concluding issue will bring! Minor Tease Spoilers are ahead! While there is a […]
Our Twelfth Episode of the Official Podcast for titled “Enter the Masterverse ” has hit the airwaves! This time comic guru Tim Seeley, the outstanding writer behind the new “Masterverse” comics from Dark Horse, joins AJ as they discuss this Masters of the Universe anthology series’ genesis, the figures behind it, take an in […]
The first five pages from the premiere issue of the upcoming Dark Horse anthology comic series titled “MASTERVERSE” is now online, courtesy of (They also wrote a positive review!) Now while it does not spoil the entire issue, it does contain some spoilers, so please keep that in mind if you plan to proceed. […]
The exciting first installment of the upcoming Darkhorse Comics four issue limited series “Masterverse” has yet to debut in your local comic book store, but we already have an exciting first look at the covers and stories for issue three of this anticipated anthology set! The first multiverse tale told in Issue #3 as the […]
When Masters of the Universe fan favorite characters Duncan and Lyn were in the same proximity together, it often created an interesting energy. As assistants to opposing forces for years, that energy was recently explored in the 2021 Netflix series “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” where there seemed to be a glint in the eye […]
In 2020, fans of both Masters of the Universe and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were in store for a real treat! Thats because a joint production was being worked on behind-the-scenes between DC Comics and IDW Publishing where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (and their evil nemesis Shredder) would be transported into the world […]
We are a long way off before the new Dark Horse four issue “Masterverse” comic series hits our local comic shops this February 2023 (you can read our previous news reports on this comic by CLICKING HERE.) But thanks to writer Tim Seeley on Instagram, we now have a look at the covers for issue […]
A couple of weeks ago (reported HERE) we learned through comic solicitations that “Masterverse” comics would be coming to our local comic shops this February 2023. Spanning over four issues, Masterverse was revealed to be an anthology comic series surrounding a through-line story where the Sorceress and Zodac debate the value of He-Man and is […]