Mattel has transformed (with the power of Grayskull) their ninth Masters of the Universe minicomic from their Origins toyline into a motion comic!
If you didn’t know, a motion comic is an animated comic that takes static comic art and combines it with animated elements, music, and sound effects. And the latest comic Mattel has adapted is the thrilling minicomic “Challenge of Jitsu” featuring He-Man, Buzz-Off and Stratos in battle with Jitsu! Here is the cover artwork:

You can click here to watch the motion comic on the Mattel Creations YouTube Channel or just watch it embedded below:
We’ll see you next time!
These are nice and all, but it would be far more exciting if they did this with one of the latest mini comics rather than ones that came out years ago…
It may be my buzz going on but this is the best mc so far.
This is barmy scheduling. No new motion comic for months and then two within one week.