RUMOR: Is Stunt Puppet Pictures working on a ”big new project” for Masters of the Universe?

Well this is interesting.

Over the past few years, Stunt Puppet Pictures has made some amazing promotional videos for the Masters of the Universe action figure lines.

Masters themselves of stop motion animation, the amazingly talented Justin Rasch, Shel Rasch and their family owned full production studio have spectacularly animated both Origins and Masterverse action figures to spectacular results.

Justin Rash animating a Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” He-Man and Battle Cat

While it has been a short while since we have seen something new MOTU related from Stunt Puppet Pictures, someone reached out to us that claims to be in the know and said that the production company has been working on a “big new project” for the Masters of the Universe brand. What “big” exactly means, we couldn’t say.. but it was presented to us as possibly something never seen before.

Could Stunt Puppet Pictures be working on just a longer new promotional video for the upcoming “Reptile Wars” Turtles of Grayskull storyline? Or do we dare dream big of a new web series or even an animated series? (We have seen Stunt Puppet Pictures incorporate voice work in their animation before).

The action figures talked in this promotional video

Whatever Stunt Puppet Pictures and Mattel are possibly working on, we couldn’t be more excited. Remember to treat this as a rumor for now, and stay tuned!

We’ll see you next time!

3 thoughts on “RUMOR: Is Stunt Puppet Pictures working on a ”big new project” for Masters of the Universe?

  1. I would think it’s probably another multi-part animated story, like what they did with the snakes. But this time, it could be She-Ra ??? Or, of course, it could be the Reptile Wars, yes.
    I guess it’s too early to start working on Thundercats promotion– they need to have some figures first!

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