New SKELETOR Masterverse figure revealed in a brand new subline titled the ”VINTAGE COLLECTION”!

Wow, this is exciting Masterverse fans!

It appears that Mattel has created a brand new subline for their Masterverse action figure line called the “Vintage Collection“! And the first figure revealed in that subline is the Evil Lord of Destruction himself… Skeletor!

It seems this new Masterverse subline will be similar to the Classics line, where Mattel will be recreating action figures with a 1980’s vintage aesthetic. Check it out:

This new “Vintage Collection” subset will mark the eleventh subline for Masterverse!

The current 10 sublines for Masterverse

Thanks to our amazing community member @depp76 for the ‘heads up‘ and to the amazing yo_tengo_el_poder on Instagram for breaking the scoop!

We’ll update everyone as more details become available. We’ll see you next time!

12 thoughts on “New SKELETOR Masterverse figure revealed in a brand new subline titled the ”VINTAGE COLLECTION”!

  1. Not bad. It looks a little different than the 40th Anniversary figure so I wonder if they ditched the articulation in the jaw. The packaging is like the 40th Anniversary packaging but better. Ok here is another chance for Mattel to release a new Masterverse He-Man where the head doesn’t look like total shit. Don’t muck it up Mattel.

  2. Ok, cool figure, but this confirms we won’t get any deeper into the characters selection. I understand the business decision: keep recycling the same bestseller characters over and over. This does not keep me interested. *Sigh* that’s what I loved about Classics (I’m a Masterverse collector, but getting a little bored of the versioning model… which is good for my wallet, on the other hand)

    1. @mrhootiedean I’m not sure how “deep” Masterverse can go– it’s just not what the line seems made for. However, I am a sucker for the vintage look, and with the bigger chest, I am intrigued.
      I just fear we’ll get another Man-At-Arms and then Mer Man and… yawn. 
      Perhaps that new Beast Man from SDCC will turn out to belong to this subline??
      I am pretty content and saturated with classic Skeletors, between my OG “Classics” and my New Eternia, I kind of have my ideal Skelly. I kinda would like this new one to have a little darker blue skin color… to be more different from the NE version.
      I can see that this will be popular with some newer fans… and some really old ones!

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