Mattel says Origins VINTAGE Two Bad is already sculpted and recommits to finishing the Vintage Figure line

When Mattel revealed this year’s San Diego International Comic-Con exclusive action figure to be a Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Two Bad figure, some fans asked… where is the Vintage version?

Collectors of the original Masters of the Universe: Origins line have been waiting for a vintage Two Bad for years now, and were very surprised to learn when a Two Bad Origins figure was finally announced… it wasn’t for the vintage line but for the “Cartoon Collection”. So where was the vintage version?

Fortunately, we finally have that answer from Mattel’s Director Of Product Development, Damon Nee.

Damon Nee, Director Of Product Development at Mattel

Yesterday in the Mattel Booth at San Diego Comic-Con, legendary Toy YouTuber Pixel Dan was able to speak with Damon about the future of the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Vintage” action figure line and the elusive vintage Two Bad figure. Check it out:

Pixel Dan and Damon Nee


Pixel Dan: Last year I talked to Josh and Josh told us, at the time, that the plan was to finish the vintage toy line. Is that still kind of on track? Are we still going to do that?

Damon Nee: Absolutely. We made the pledge and we will follow through with that and re-release basically the entire vintage line.

Dan: Is that all going to be Mattel Creations?

Damon -Moving forward I do believe the bulk of the items that are vintage space will be through Mattel Creations.


Dan: I know you guys just did the Filmation or rather the Cartoon Collection Two-Bad as the exclusive and that brought up a lot of discussion about Vintage toy Two-Bad, so, just want to know he’s on the table right, he’s definitely on the table?

Damon: We actually have him sculpted.

Dan: Really?

Damon: Yes – It’s just a matter of us to figure out when – Again we’re promising to do the vintage figures and so we got ahead of that one, but it’s been on pause because we have been waiting on our “Cartoon Collection” one to have its day in the sun, but we will be looking to release it at some point.

Thanks to Pixel Dan for asking the question we all wanted to know. You can check out his full video by Clicking Here.

We’ll see you next time!

7 thoughts on “Mattel says Origins VINTAGE Two Bad is already sculpted and recommits to finishing the Vintage Figure line

    1. @brasco when Dan asked about VC Two-Bad Damon Nee specified figures. I think when he said “basically" he was thinking figures as well. The bulk of the vintage line was figures and I’m not sure what figures they would leave out, except for the energy zoids, of what ever the Bayblade guys were called. They suck.

  1. I had no interest in the Cartoon Collection Two-Bad. I thought we’d have the Vintage version by now. But he said they wanted the Cartoon Collection to have it’s time to shine. I’m sticking to what I originally said, they should have finished up the VC in 2024 & then introduced the CC for 2025. 

  2. I wish we would get the rest of the Origins line at retail instead of 20 minutes or less sell outs on Mattel Creations. Even if they were just online exclusives sold at BBTS and other sites it would be better than what it is now.

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