3 FIGURES IN WAVE ONE! New Details revealed for Mondo’s 6-inch ”He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” Action Figures coming Early 2025

Last week we reported that the collectibles company Mondo, known for (among other things) their amazing 1:6 Scale “Masters of the Universe” action figures, announced that they were entering the 1:12 scale, 6 inch collectible action figure market.

And among their first action figures released in their new 6 inch, 1:12 offering would be a He-Man figure from the 2002 popular reboot series ā€œHe-Man and the Masters of the Universeā€œ!

Well now we learned that Mondo visited the Toy Tubers Unite panel at San Diego International Comic-Con this past weekend and revealed a few more details about this exciting line!

Here are all the new details about Mondo’s “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002) 6-inch line:

  • HOW MANY FIGURES IN WAVE ONE: Mondo is “dropping three figures for WAVE ONE”.
  • RELEASE TIMELINE: Mondo is “hoping around February or March (2025)” for Wave One.
  • HEROIC AND EVIL WARRIOR WAVE BREAKDOWN: Wave One will consist of “1 Good Guy, 2 Bad Guys” which may be the release model moving forward
  • DECO, ARTICULATION & ACCESSORIES: Mondo indicated these figures will have the same level of deco, the same level of articulation and the same level of accessories as their 1:6 Scale figures… but just at a 1:12 smaller scale.
  • PRICING: In regards to pricing, Mondo did not reveal the price, but indicated this new He-Man (2002) line “won’t be as high” as the pricing for their 6-inch newly announced The Real Ghostbusters line (that were reportedly $202 for a two-pack of figures).

We can’t wait to learn which figures will be revealed in Wave One! We’ll see you next time!

18 thoughts on “3 FIGURES IN WAVE ONE! New Details revealed for Mondo’s 6-inch ”He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” Action Figures coming Early 2025

  1. Well 3 at a time is great news, until price comes in. And being limited hurts those who cant order all at same time. Super7 is what $55 or more? (And my zartan and all papa emeritus figures cant stand) I wonder if they are saying that a motu figure is cheaper than the 202$ or $101. And mondo will probably have a bundle of the 3 that will come with extra stuff.
    pretty exited to see whats what. Think they would wait on skeletor for wave 2? If they go same route as 1/6 beastman would have to be deluxe.
    i kind of would want heman and skeletor to be released once as a deluxe and get all accessories at once. But since this is the 200x line, they could bombard those 2 like mattel did. Leave the snakemen stuff for last please. Sick of snakes lol

    1. Well 3 at a time is great news, until price comes in. And being limited hurts those who cant order all at same time. Super7 is what $55 or more? (And my zartan and all papa emeritus figures cant stand) I wonder if they are saying that a motu figure is cheaper than the 202$ or $101. And mondo will probably have a bundle of the 3 that will come with extra stuff.
      pretty exited to see whats what. Think they would wait on skeletor for wave 2? If they go same route as 1/6 beastman would have to be deluxe.
      i kind of would want heman and skeletor to be released once as a deluxe and get all accessories at once. But since this is the 200x line, they could bombard those 2 like mattel did. Leave the snakemen stuff for last please. Sick of snakes lol

      Based on what they’ve said I’m guessing $80-$100 USD. It might be cheaper though, because based on what I’ve heard the price of Real Ghostbusters is inflated because Hasbro is charging through the nose for Mondo to license the property. Geek Dad Life was talking about it on their live stream earlier this week. They know the Mondo guys really well and are friends with them. They more or less confirmed that Mondo is getting screwed by Hasbro on the licensing, causing the price to increase.
      I’m guessing that Skeletor is going to come with He-Man. Then maybe we’d get Trap Jaw or Mer-Man as the second villain? I can’t see them not releasing Skeletor at the same time. I’m also leaning towards Mer-Man being in Wave 1 because he needs less accessories than Trap Jaw and Beast Man is likely going to be a bigger figure.Ā 
      I’m very, very curious as to how deep they’re going to go on this line. I wonder if we’ll be getting a wave per quarter or just a couple of waves per year? If these figures look top tier (which I know they likely will) this will be a childhood dream come true for me. I also doubt they’ll make the mistakes Mattel did and pump out too many variants of He-Man and Skeletor. They’ve already seen how that’s gone.Ā 
      Are you planning on continuing with 1/6 scale on top of the 1/12 (if the price is right)?
      @Dinobot interesting comments on the 1/6 line. The reason why I love it so much is because it feels very much inspired by 200x lol

    2. Ā 
      Are you planning on continuing with 1/6 scale on top of the 1/12 (if the price is right)?

      Im not sure yet, to be honest. Gonna wait and see the figures first. Ā Its just that so much money has been poured into the 1/6 line, and i really like them. Iā€™ll probably be into both lines. As long as they space releases out.Ā 
      Sucks that hasbro is screwing them, because Hasbro couldnā€™t do what the fans wanted.
      Just a heads up for those who want to get into this line but dont have the 1/6 figures. Since these are smaller, im betting most of you will want to pose them and move the joints like crazy. If they paint the bodies, be prepared for chipping, armor rubbing paint off, weapons and hands getting chipped from taking weapons in and out. Its the biggest complaint of mine about the big line, pose once and leave it alone in a cabinet.
      Its not like your typical solid color plastic from mattel and super7, everything is painted. And it comes off.

    3. Ā 
      Are you planning on continuing with 1/6 scale on top of the 1/12 (if the price is right)?

      Im not sure yet, to be honest. Gonna wait and see the figures first. Ā Its just that so much money has been poured into the 1/6 line, and i really like them. Iā€™ll probably be into both lines. As long as they space releases out.Ā 
      Sucks that hasbro is screwing them, because Hasbro couldnā€™t do what the fans wanted.
      Just a heads up for those who want to get into this line but dont have the 1/6 figures. Since these are smaller, im betting most of you will want to pose them and move the joints like crazy. If they paint the bodies, be prepared for chipping, armor rubbing paint off, weapons and hands getting chipped from taking weapons in and out. Its the biggest complaint of mine about the big line, pose once and leave it alone in a cabinet.
      Its not like your typical solid color plastic from mattel and super7, everything is painted. And it comes off.

      I think the 1/6 line is going to be hard to unwind at this point. I have pretty much have every figure excluding the ones at the very start (He-Man, Skeletor OG releases) and the weird variant figures that I don’t care about. The nice thing about this line other than a cheaper price is that we’d be able to build the collection a lot faster at 3 figures per wave. They just need to be careful to not be releasing the waves around the time the 1/6 figures are coming.Ā 
      How much do you want to bet that we get a 1/6 figure in January 2025, then Wave 1 in Feb/March, followed by another 1/6 in April?Ā Ā 

  2. It’ll probably be between $50 and $100 per figure, excluding deluxes and extras.
    Frankly, I don’t know that I’m interested in dropping that much on 200X, which isn’t my favorite iteration (as opposed to most of the fandom).Ā  I’d probably be more interested in smaller versions of their 1/6 line, as long as they were spread out.

    1. At 100 bucks a figure, Mondo can go suck a big, fat, floppy donkey dick.

      Masterverse figures like Snout Spout are pricing in at $50 with 2-3 accessories, one pair of swappable hands and VERY questionable paint jobs (admittedly I do like Snout’s paint apps). Another $50 for several more hand and accessory options and a much better paint job seems like an absolute no brainer to me. Seems more than reasonable. You’re getting one significantly better figure for the price of 2 cheaper quality ones.Ā 

    2. @smokinya No-brainer if you have the bank. šŸ˜Ā 
      Snout Spout is an exception. Most MV still cost $25. Some have enough accessories for two different display modes and multiple weapons. A figure for $100 is a different realm.
      Iā€™m *very* curious about this line! But I canā€™t bring myself to spend so much for a toy. I think iā€™ll stick to my cheapo-Masters and watch this from the sidelines šŸ˜Ā 
      Until they start New Adventures! šŸ¤© šŸ¤© šŸ˜‚Ā 

    3. @cosmic Fair point. I was under the impression that a lot of the more interesting Masterverse figures were going the way of Mattel Creations, which would likely increase their price point. But even at a $75 difference, I still think its a good deal. Mattel has to have a licensing cost to Mondo, perhaps its decreased since they’re owned by Funko now, but it needs to be factored into the price still. I’d rather get fewer figures per year that have excellent quality in sculpts and paint apps instead of getting more per that just end up looking mediocre.Ā 
      I was not a fan of any of the Masterverse reveals this weekend. Panthor is awful and Roboto got butchered. Sculpting aside the paint apps on Masterverse look so cheap on almost every figure. While I do like the leaner builds of the Masterverse figures and a handful of them have turned out excellent, they just don’t hold a candle to what Classics did across the board. In my opinion they should increase the cost of Masterverse by another $10-$15 so they can squeeze out some better paint jobs on the figures. Maybe toss in some better sculpts while they’re at it. Even if they had to decrease the amount of figures released per year to make it feasible.Ā 

    4. @smokinya Well itā€™s two different business models. Trying to do worldwide retail stores is toughā€¦ they have to be dirt-cheap in production.Ā But it can be worth a lot, to raise the profile.
      As someone with limited means, I like the Masterverse business model, I pick and choose which ones I like. So my selection is already limited to the best šŸ˜Š At a very nice price.
      Funny how tastes can be differentā€“ I love that new Roboto, with his Dr Who vibe, I thought Evil Lyn was gorgeous and got a big kick out of the Skelcon, Fisto and Beast Man. I just wish it would be not so many repeat characters.
      I donā€™t want to hijack this thread into Masterverse VERSUS This-New-Line-We-Havenā€™t-Seen-Yet. Or Masterverse VERSUS Classics (done to death already).
      Iā€™m very curious about this new Mondo line, but Iā€™m also happy that Masterverse exists, just the way it is.

  3. I really hope they space them out for those who want both lines. I have a feeling we are going to get bombarded with 1/6 pre orders. I canā€™t remember the last time, i had no motu 1/6 on preorder. Ā Since Teela came, i got nothing on order. I didnt buy the sky sled, so people do still have that po out there.

    1. I’m really looking forward to a 200x style Roboto and Sorceress. It’s about time we got some decent versions of them.
      YES!!! They should be amazing!
      So does anyone have any updates on this line? Mondo said around March we’d get some reveals … and here we are. Hopefully it happens at their next event thingie at the end of the month.Ā 

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