By the Power of Grayskull!
Netflix released an amazing poster today to promote their new animated series “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”. Featuring the newly transformed He-Man and Tri-Sorceress Teela, this powerful new poster should get you excited and ready to rewatch this fantastic series again this weekend… multiple times!

And when you watch it again this werkend, be sure to rate it a double thumbs 👍👍 up when you do. We’ll see you next time!
Frank Frazetta would be proud.
This poster is wonderful. I had shirts made up for the fam with the previous poster screened in the center but this is the one that I would have preferred.
Are you ready to watch Revolution again this weekend fellow fans? I am!
Saw that earlier today. Just awesome!
This poster makes me so flush yall. 🥵
@ninadust gurl same !! 😫 ughhhhh
i love adeela ! now if mattel/netflix could please release this as a poster we can buy/put up on our wall we’d be in business lol
@adoralovely It looks like it belongs on a cover of one of those romance books 🤣
I would buy a poster adora lovely!
Seriously, this is an incredible piece!
These are the days I miss being able to go to the local mall, walk into Spencers and see this print as a poster in the rack…
Also, I’m getting some serious Fabio vibes from this image! 😆
I forgot all about Fabio Ornclown! Do you remember his butter commercials? 😂
Also, (probably my most vivid ‘memory’ of Fabio) the cover of the old Nintendo game, Wizards & Warriors! 😆
That looks awesome! Here is a somewhat cut of/less logo ridden version he has on twitter facebook:
Guy has some other cool stuff on his deviant art page as well: