For the second day in a row, “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” has ranked in Netflix’s Top 10 TV Shows in the United States, moving one spot down to the #7 spot. Check it out!

Successfully reaching a large audience is exactly what “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” needs to do if we hope to see the third installment of this trilogy, and ranking two days in a row on this list is a terrific start.
Keep telling your family, your friends, and keep watching “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” yourself and let’s make this terrific show a resounding success. We’ll see you next time!
ya gurl’s been re-watching since thursday and has been keeping the show running the background on loop (by the power or BANDWIDTH! 😄)
let’s see if we can’t get revolution into the TOP 5 by monday
@firefly oh for sure, hun.
a week or two in the top 10 for ANY show is achievement in itself 😊
let’s keep up the good work, we’ve been doing great so far
My son loved it, my daughter loved it! & I can’t wait to watch it again. This show was fire
Watched it yesterday. Miles better than its predecessor.
Good 👍 🙂
It feels like they did their homework this time with the MOTU lore and tried to bring it in unison with what they made before & did the best job they could do in the short amount of time they had. They deserve and need the success IMO.
Will it be enough though for a continuation?
Lets keep it going. Me and my brother watched it and loved it!
Having just five episodes to digest makes things easier, knowing Revelation had another five to go plus it’s first half ending on a downer note put me off wanting to return to it. Knowing it takes a shorter while to get to the point and a happy ending guaranteed at the end of it I feel is why the momentum will be maintained