Eternia’s Choice is now live!
Last week it was announced that after the success of the massive Masters of the Universe: Origins (and Masterverse compatible) Eternia playset crowdfunding campaign, the next crowdfunded Motu item will be up to us to vote on. Well it seems fans can now make two selections!

That’s right! We have the Power to shape the next Masters of the Universe crowdfunding project by voting for our top TWO choices! And the selections to choose from are:

- Fright Zone
- Doom Tower
- Snake Lair
- Horde Crawler Tank
- Attack Trak
CLICK HERE TO VOTE! (Link on surveymonkey was established by Mattel – has no affiliation)
Voting Closes on September 10th at 11:59PM Pacific Time and we assume results will be posted the following week.
We’ll see you next time!
You can discuss this in our new COMMUNITY FORUMS, or just leave a comment below and it will cross-post!

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Yes Please on All Accounts !
Had to go Fright Zone and Attack Trak.
@griff Those are my picks too bro.
I’m so unsure what to pick. Gonna ask my son when I get off work. Snake Mountain should be there today when I get home so a big day of playing is in store for us which will be the best time to go over the choices amd see what he likes best. So I will probably just vote for what he would like to be made.
@ravewayneboo so what did your son pick?
@he-dad Vintage looking Freight Zone and the Filmation style one called Doom tower. So voted on those and we will see. I like all the options and am excited to see what we are getting. We missed out on the Eternia playset ( didn’t know at 1st there was gonna be a payment option) so we are definitely hopping on this one. If I was to do the vote tho I would have picked Doom Tower and the Attack Trak.
Was hoping there would be figures but oh well there was the fright zone and the neat tank. 😊
I haven’t voted yet but Doom Tower definitely has my eye. It may be something that looks really amazing next to my three towers of Eternia/Preternia!