Over the past few days, rumors have been circulating that the most powerful man in the universe… He-Man… will be appearing in Mortal Kombat 1 among a brand new expansion of characters.

For anyone not aware, Mortal Kombat 1 is a brand new fighting game that is the 12th installment of the Mortal Kombat series, serving as a sequel to Mortal Kombat 11 and a reboot at the same time with a new fighting system, game modes and fatalities.

Recently, gaming industry websites began reporting on a new datamine leak revealing more characters coming to the Mortal Kombat 1 game like Ghostface from the “Scream” franchise…. and He-Man.

While this game series has featured playable characters before from other franchises, the idea of He-Man entering the world of Mortal Kombat is certainly a strange fit, especially considering the game’s violent and gorey nature.

However, datamines from trusted social media influencers that comb through the data and locate these exciting yet-to-be revealed characters turn out to be accurate more often than not… so this news was certainly worth looking into.
What we found is this datamine came from the popular modder and reverse engineer thethiny on “X”, and what was really interesting is who else He-Man was grouped with on his list.
Check it out:

So why was He-Man grouped with other sword wielding fighters? This was because the information datamined regarding this upcoming character was reportedly extremely unclear.
Yes, it seems He-Man was just a guess among many. Apparently the only thing determined about this upcoming DLC playable character was that he’s apparently “a burly man with a broadsword” (which is why Conan the Barbarian and Kotal Kahn was mentioned in the same breath.)

While a character like Conan or Kotal is more fitting with the brutality found in this game, perhaps He-Man is indeed coming to Mortal Kombat 1. We just don’t know. However, we feel the information datamined is pretty vague at this point to really come to that conclusion definitively.
We’ll see you next time.
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Would He-Man’s fatality move be a moral lesson?
LOL i can actually picture that and it’s hysterical.
" Johnny Cage remember breakfast is the most important meal of the day. " cue Rainbow .
While it would be amazing if true, I’m pretty sure it’s more likely Kotal Khan.
It is most likely the character is Kotal and He-man is a skin for that character.
I know this might be a bit of a hot topic, but if they add a feature to reduce the blood and gore, and add He-Man, I’m game. Though personally I think he would fit much better in Injustice 3 considering they already did a mini series where Masters and Injustice crossed over.