We have a new unboxing video to show you!
This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 9 Ram Man figure from the Masterverse New Eternia action figure line!
You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below!
We’ll see you next time!
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That one head looks like it was a chewtoy for a dog. That sucks!
I think the key sculpted on the back of the Shredder helmet is just a reference that his head can open any door, a skeleton key, 🔑 if you will.
Kind of dig the compression look on the legs, but agree it will be interesting to see how it lasts over time.
Hmm. That’s an interesting take on it. Could be! 🙂
Yeah that is the biggest concern I have. Who knows for certain, but It just feels like one of those things that is going to degrade with time and then tear.
Ideas when this will be coming out? May have to sell a ton of other collectables to get the new stuff coming out. Anyone into 1:18 scale G.I.joe or 1:18 scale Star Wars stuff? I really need to get some extra funds before I fall into completely broke situation. Selling silicone masks as well. Just worried all these new figures are going to come out all on the same month leaving me in a position where I will be forced to pick and chose the new figures rather then getting them all.
Thought I could start my own video stuff using Masterverse figures and telling folk tales that a lot of kids don’t know anything about anymore. Also going to be in trouble if they charge me an arm and a leg to do the surgery on my mouth that I keep putting off. *Sigh*
Life can be cruel sometime.
@bricrue Ebay has definitely been useful for me numerous times to sell parts of my old collection to fund new additions. That’s my recommendation at least.
Sorry you are going through a rough time buddy.
I’ve decided to test the waters of Ebay and listed one of my Cosplay masks.
Do you have any suggestions? I think I can edit the items description or add something to it. I used to sell collectables all the time but that was like 20 years ago. Going to take some time to get the knack of it again. Have a lot to sell so hopefully I can move old collectables out and bring new ones in. Would love to have a shelf to display my figures.
You ever invite anyone to join you in a POD cast? Would love to do that with you sometime. I’m hoping I can get into the entertainment side and post some of my videos online. Just worry that I’m too late and I missed out on the train of social media and doing videos isn’t as easy as it may have been before. If I do get some videos going, it would mean so much if you all could support me and help me get things rolling out. That or I guess I’ll just have to be like skeletor and mumble “MYAH!"
@bricrue Nice mask bro. I thought about cosplayin but never got further than thinking about it.
Its the one thing I really enjoyed doing each year but it’s time to let go. Time to pour my interests into other things. 🙂