Mattel Creations released a new backer video yesterday for their upcoming crowdfunded playset… Eternia!
Alerting buyers via e-mail, what Mattel presented was almost an instructional how-to video, showing how their upcoming Eternia Playset is assembled together… or individually by its tower.
Check it out:
This video will certainly be useful to have when Eternia is finally delivered to consumers.
We’ll see you next time!
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That playset is just humongous. I wonder how long it would take one to fully assemble.
I just have no clue where I would put it, would have to get rid of a ton of Starwars related stuff. Maybe sell that Razoncrest that has been sitting in the shipping box since I got it. But I’d have to try and buy it second hand at this point as they only had it available for a short time to order and I wasn’t on the band wagon for Masters of the Universe stuff at that time.
I’m sad I didn’t get it and I hate just watching all these cool videos and thinking “Ooooh, I sure wish I had one".
Same with the Snake Mountain. I was just not collecting MOTU at the time they were selling these.
Sad times for Sweeney, thats for sure. Hopefully if they release a 7″ version of castle Grayskull for the new figures, (I’m well aware they already release the Classic version), I’ll just have to make sure I’m on that band wagon so I don’t miss out on it. I think I was just a tiny bit too late getting on the Snake Mountain thing.
GAH!, that or maybe it’s best to avoid the new Masterverse stuff as missing out on certain things is killing me. Got back into hiding and avoid all the new cool stuff so I don’t feel so horrible about missing out on stuff.
Does Mattel ship free stuff to you to do video stuff for you to show the masses? I remember waaaaay back in the day when you did a review on certain video games the video game companies would often send you a free game for you to do your own review on them. I had a web site that was HUGE for that Ultima Online game and they would send me all of the Alpha and Beta version before the game was even out because of that site. They even gave me a free account to play on so I didn’t have to pay the $15 a month to play the game. Crossroads of Britannia if anyone remembers that Ultima Online game.
Bet AJ get all that free stuff from PODCASTS :p give me some of your free stuff you stinker!
Looks like the GI Joe aircraft carrier might have some competition for “largest toy ever".
@costume-n00b That still amazes me to this day how large that was. My parents would have never bought me something that big. 😄