We’ve added a fun new feature for our community to participate in! Now, activity like the daily visiting of ForEternia.com, leaving comments on news articles, or posting or replying in the community forums will all earn you For Eternia World Coins!

And you can spend these World Coins on things like structures and recruiting soldiers to your Realm, which can help this community defend themselves from evil threats endangering their lands… and yours!
How to participate:
- Make sure you Registered as a Member. (If not, CLICK HERE to Register)
- Earn World Coins by visiting ForEternia.com every day and by leaving comments or posting in the Community Forums.
- Track your coins in your Profile:

- When you have enough coins to unlock an item, CLICK HERE to go to the Build Your Realm page and select the appropriate [Unlock Button].

We’ll see you next time!
This comment gives me coins?
Nevermind I see them. 🤩
It’s a fun feature. I’m really enjoying it.