He-Man has spoken!
In June of 2022, fans of the Netflix Animated Series “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” were ecstatic with the breaking news that a new season had finally been announced, officially titled “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”. Simultaneously released with a new logo, teaser poster and synopsis, actual detailed information regarding the new series seemed pretty scarce… including its precise release.

SYNOPSIS: Masters of the Universe: Revolution is an all-new story that brings the focus to He-Man vs. Skeletor like you’ve never seen them before. It’s technology versus magic as He-Man and the heroic warriors face the forces of Skeletor and a deadly threat to the Planet in MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION – the next epic chapter in the battle for Eternia.“

No official release date was announced, but considering Kevin Smith at the time indicated last Spring/Summer he was still in the writing process, we surmised a release date could be in the second half of 2023 at the earliest, but quite possibly sometime in 2024.
Enter voice actor Chris Wood.

Chris is an American actor who voiced both Prince Adam and He-Man in the 2021 Netflix animated series “Masters of the Universe: Revelation.” This talented actor will now grace the world of Broadway when he makes his stage debut this Sunday in the new musical “Almost Famous” (a musical adaptation of the Cameron Crowe 2000 film) at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre.
To promote his Broadway debut, yesterday Chris Wood sat down for an interview with Playbill.com where he was also asked if he had any other stage or screen projects in the works. This is what the actor had to say:
“I do! I’m the voice of He-Man/Adam on the Netflix animated series Masters of the Universe: Revelation, and our new season (titled Revolution) comes out this year. And it’s awesome.”
So thanks to the He-Man voice actor himself, we finally have a major player on the show go on the record and indicate 2023 is the year the anticipated follow-up to “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” will be released. Now if we only can get Chris to reveal to us what month!

Stay tuned to ForEternia.com for all the latest “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” news as it breaks.
We’ll see you next time!
* The above article is also available on YouTube: HERE

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