One Box to Rule them all: The Promotional Revelation Masterverse Wave One Box

Anytime a toy company wants to make a big splash in the global market with a new line of action figures, getting samples into the hands of press, media influencers and retailers to generate awareness, excitement (and hopefully orders) is considered instrumental to a successful launch. And Mattel was no different when it came to their new Masterverse collector action figure line launched in 2021, timed with the release of “Masters of the Universe: Revelation’.

Enter the Masterverse Revelation 2-figure promotional box. Once shown in the hands of Kevin Smith, the “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” Promotional Box by Netflix and Mattel was distributed last year, which included sample figures of the Masterverse Revelation titular characters He-Man & Skeletor as well as bonus goodies like apparel.

We were lucky enough to secure one these boxes and perform an unboxing this past January (that article can be found HERE.)

But the holy grail of Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” promotional items has always been this amazingly massive and elaborate box containing the entire Wave One of the Masterverse line including deluxe figures!

That’s right! Behind its doors, lids and gorgeous artwork design reveal several compartments that feature all six Masterverse wave one figures (four regular, two deluxe), and also a shirt and a mug too!

Unfortunately, after months and months searching, we have come to terms we may never find one of these Masterverse Revelation holy grail collectibles to do an official unboxing with. But thankfully the ToyMania YouTube channel was able to crack open one of these glorious cases nine months ago which offered fans an inside look.

Check it out:

Lifting the lid and opening the doors reveal a secondary lid and glorious Masterverse artwork!
Pulling the left and right doors further reveal even more artwork!
The secondary lid reveals two compartments.
Inside the first compartment is a Skelegod figure and artwork!
Inside the adjacent compartment is a shirt and a mug!
The compartments form a second lid that when lifted, reveal the remaining five figures of the wave.

And here’s ToyMania’s video (Commentary in Spanish):

Now that is one magnificent Mastersverse promotional item! Wow! We’ll keep looking for one, and we’ll see you next time time!

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