Lots of exciting Masterverse news happening today courtesy of the retailer GameStop.com! Now we have release dates for the Masters of the Universe: Revelation figures Roboto and Evil-Lyn in her Sorceress form (aka SkeleSorceress)…. as well as Princess of Power Frosta and New Eternia Stratos as well.
According to the retailer, all four figures will be released on November 30th, 2022.
*UPDATE: The retailer is now reporting November 30th, 2023 as the release date at the moment. If true, it’s odd a retail store would have a figure-in-box public listing over a year away for an action figure, even if being offered for pre-order. We will keep an eye on this and update accordingly.
*UPDATE #2: BigBadToyStore.com (no affiliation to ForEternia.com) has these up for pre-order individually with a reported March 2023 fill date.

Here are some additional pictures to enjoy as we wait!

We’ll see you next time!
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