We predicted it! A new season to “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” has just been announced today! We have the Powerrrrrrr!

After months of hints thanks to Powerhouse Animation Studios’ job openings and unintended & deliberate teases from an assortment of Revelation actors, Andra actress Tiffany Smith finally revealed the worst hidden secret officially to the world today on Animation Day of Netflix’s Geeked Week that this fantastic series will be back with a brand new story! YES!
it’s called Masters of the Universe: Revolution and it will be a follow-up mini-series to Revelation! And it will start where Masters of the Universe: Revelation left off. Wow!
Here’s the logo and teaser poster!

Let the celebration begin!
Stay tuned to ForEternia.com as news develops! And be sure to check out the official For ETERNIA YouTube channel (HERE) and Twitter Account (HERE) to stay up to date with all the new “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” news and content.