Anyone who is a fan “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” and follows its showrunner Kevin Smith on Twitter has noticed that Smith has received a great deal of praise lately from fans who are finally catching up with the second part of his new Netflix series, and loving it.
While Kevin responding in kind and showing his appreciation for these expressions of love and support by liking and quoting these tweets is nothing new, yesterday Smith added a slight twist that many of us might not have considered a possibility until now: A Season Two without Kevin Smith.
Check out his tweet:

Now while it’s encouraging to hear that Netflix and Mattel are still considering a second season for “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” (likely not to be titled “Revelation” again, but probably a new title), we believe this is the first time Kevin mentioned a possibility of a Season Two existing without him
Notice Kevin singles himself out as someone who may not return:
so I thank you & everyone else who continues to discover Revelation. I hope we get to go back to Eternia again but if we (or I) don’t, I’ll never forget or regret my time spent there.
Kevin SMITH on Twitter
So, is there a possibility that “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” returns without its current showrunner Kevin Smith and a new showrunner is hired? It would seem so.
And it certainly is a sad thought, considering Smith was the genesis of Revelation’s terrific story that fans were treated to. From the writers, to the cast, to the score… Kevin Smith was the one who pulled all of these wonderful elements together that resulted in such an emotional and exciting series. So it would definitely be a tough pill to swallow for “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” to move on without him.
But will it? Only time will tell.
I hope he returns…but I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t. The “fans” treated him and his team horribly and used false claims from dishonest YouTube channels as justification for their toxicity.
After decades of waiting, we finally got a fantastic MotU series that fulfilled key plot points, approaches the subject material seriously, and delivers a good-hearted adventure. Now we’re not even sure if we’ll get a 2nd season because of all the unfair hate and vitriol being spewed by people got mad about Teela wearing pants and cutting her hair.
I hope we get #moremotu. I hope Kevin Smith stays with Eternia and doesn’t let the haters win…but I 100% don’t blame him for stepping away. We should be embarrassed as a fandom.
I think more than half of them weren’t even fans. You can tell when they complain Teela was going to become the new He-Man. I’m like wut? They have no clue about her Sorceress DNA. It is in her blood to be powerful. Always was. Have to think if they were really fans they would know these things. Seems to me those people are just folk that jump from new show to new show to scream IT WENT WOKE!
Right?! How do they claim to be a fan and not realize that Teela was ALWAYS meant to be a big deal? She deserves to be the focal point of the show because she is the one destined to stand side by side with Adam in defense of Eternia.
And all the garbage about male characters being sidelined? Did they watch the same thing I watched?
– He-Man sacrifices himself to save Eternia
– Duncan is basically Old Man Bruce Wayne every time he’s on screen
– Orko goes toe to toe with Scare Glow
– Roboto blows himself up reforging the Sword of Power…a feat deemed near impossible
– Adam sacrifices paradise to be with Teela
– Adam stands up to Skelegod while he’s bleeding out and dying
– Adam goes Savage
– Adam takes on Lyn with just a sword…(Teela’s old sword…which is sweet)
– He-Man cuts through an army of shadow beasts and a dragon before launching Skelegod into the stratosphere
Emasculated and sidelined male characters? Okay…but let’s all throw a fit because the women are doing cool stuff too and showing how awesome they are…it’s almost like MotU is filled with amazing characters that can all do awesome things.
They had a fit over Teela and Andra’s romantic relationship too which never happened. It didn’t matter tho.. Revelation was declared guilty truth be damned. That was their story and they were sticking to it.
Motu needs Kevin Smith!