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@princeofeternia Oh ok. I thought 300 was a pinnacle iceberg score like in bowling. 😇
@bricrue Check your email. I got a notice from BBTS that Clawful is going to ship soon. @admin I accidentally posted on the build account. I think I...
@princeofeternia Why is 300 your main goal? Does something happen once you hit that number?
I love this idea bro. Another prequel comic series would be amazing. I'd be ok if the artist changed but right keep them same writers!
@trapperjaw Is it on purpose? Could Mattel be leading up to something?
This thang is so purty but way out of my price range.
@bricrue sorry to hear about your health. I hope you're going to be alright bro.
@princeofeternia It's looking good bro!
I just finished reading this issue. I think Masterverse finished well. The artwork for the first story was spot on. It felt like an extension of the c...
@costume-n00b Would this be weird? Maybe she is Hordak's actual mother.
@christophno I hope it's not the case but I heard the head looks funny without the helmet.
@alteredquantum It sounds like a lot of your love is tied to nostalgia. Nothing wrong with that.
@heathershalla Anytime! Just a thought but once you find art you really like you should make it your profile pic here like I did!
@heathershalla The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I would be up for some of that. This news in general is really awesome. This role with Evil-Lyn i...
Dude what is worse is those artists that don't understand the lore and draw He-Man and She-Ra like a romantic couple. 🤢
MadDuck has some good stuff.
@admin Gore in a marvel movie? Seriously? I need to see this now. 😂