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@lurker-man i'm with you on the idea of a motu cinematic universe, l.m.
there is more than enough characters and mythos for a linear series of he-man led movies but then you bring pre-ternia and the princess of power into the mix and you realise that this ip DEMANDS expansion !
like @ninadust said it best, one really good he-man movie must be made first and from there, i'm thinking a sequel to introduce the snake-men, in which we (briefly) get a look into preternia and (briefly) explore the story he-man's ancestors - to be revisited and expanded in a spin-off/prequel tv miniseries which sees he-ro as the protagonist.
then he-man 3 sees hordak as the main antagonist. he-man discoveries the planet etheria and along with he-man we meet she-ra, bow and glimmer. then the following summer is spent in etheria with she-ra in the lead in her standalone movie, the FIRST in a series of films to be released along side the continued big screen adventures of he-man. having she-ra's origin and world already established in he-man 3 makes the first she-ra much easier to write because we already know her story and motivations.
(maybe even sun-man gets a tv series all his own done the line if mattel get the tv/film rights and incorporate the rulers of the sun into the motu cinematic universe like they did with the toys in the origins universe.....a girl can dream.)
@daavid i agree david, the lotr treatment is just what the doctor ordered.
large sets, practical effects (where plausible) ornate costumes and architecture, a sweeping soundtrack (music wise, a combination of space/prog rock and symphonic heavy metal - a soundscape that pays homage to he-man's roots in the 80's. there HAS to be a little bit of folksy/celtic-style metal heard in some scenes too, to fit mot's fantasy elements.)
@adoralovely now you're talking. Where can I buy tickets for this epic?
"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."
@kraken y"know, I watched the first episode ages ago and enjoyed it, but time and again something got in the way of my putting on the next one and eventually I just didn't get round to it. It's on the ever growing list of things I have to get back to!
As a fan of GoT you should get to it sooner rather than later. It made me remember why I loved GoT again and season 2 is coming this spring.
@kraken cool. I might catch up just before season 2 hits and run straight into it.
"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."
I totally agree with you. I'd like to see a more mature oriented, darker tone to the movie, with "R" rated content.
What I fear, nonetheless, is an "adaptation for modern audiences" that would overturn many of the main lines of the 80's cartoons.
I totally agree with you. I'd like to see a more mature oriented, darker tone to the movie, with "R" rated content.
What I fear, nonetheless, is an "adaptation for modern audiences" that would overturn many of the main lines of the 80's cartoons.
I can't imagine a Masters of the Universe movie with R content. Gore and sex makes a movie R. Don't you think He-Man is more Superman than Conan? Can you imagine a Superman movie with gore and sex?
I totally agree with you. I'd like to see a more mature oriented, darker tone to the movie, with "R" rated content.
What I fear, nonetheless, is an "adaptation for modern audiences" that would overturn many of the main lines of the 80's cartoons.I can't imagine a Masters of the Universe movie with R content. Gore and sex makes a movie R. Don't you think He-Man is more Superman than Conan? Can you imagine a Superman movie with gore and sex?
Well, violence to a certain degree, without gorefests & mindless dismemberments. About sex, I meant not so explicit, but not so puritan either! Anyway, don't worry, it will never happen an "R" rated MOTU movie. Nowadays trend is to make most of the adaptations from books and cartoons as light as possible, to attract the largest demographic possible. Money first, immediately followed by political messaging, then if there is still place for it, artistic freedom.
I certainly agree with all of that. A new Masters of the Universe movie deserves nothing less than an Epic treatment.
I totally agree with you. I'd like to see a more mature oriented, darker tone to the movie, with "R" rated content.
What I fear, nonetheless, is an "adaptation for modern audiences" that would overturn many of the main lines of the 80's cartoons.I can't imagine a Masters of the Universe movie with R content. Gore and sex makes a movie R. Don't you think He-Man is more Superman than Conan? Can you imagine a Superman movie with gore and sex?
Well, violence to a certain degree, without gorefests & mindless dismemberments. About sex, I meant not so explicit, but not so puritan either! Anyway, don't worry, it will never happen an "R" rated MOTU movie. Nowadays trend is to make most of the adaptations from books and cartoons as light as possible, to attract the largest demographic possible. Money first, immediately followed by political messaging, then if there is still place for it, artistic freedom.
I understand the trends but this source material has never had R content. To do so would be guilty of what your describing but it would be going the other direction.
@caliban until then, we at least have the hasbro comic book universe from idw a few years back. did you ever get in to those, caliban? g.i. joe, transformers and.....jem in the same universe ! 🤣
there is also the "energon" shared universe of comics from Image that started only last fall. so far it's just tf and g.i. joe comics tho
I never read the comics. Maybe I should have. I am more a movie guy. I have been waiting for that movie universe for so long I don't even want it now. Don't announce it if you're not going to make it you know what I mean?