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real motivation for Heman to not become king?

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LOVE THE SHOW!  TY ted kevin and the cast!


Ted Biaselli said recently, on an inrterview. ive seen a few 😉

"Adam didnt want to become king. He liked being Heman."

i personally disagree with it. but i respect it.

Personal opinion .

Ted or kevin?  has said earlier paraphrasing here , That Adam never sees himself as Heman he was Adam he man is what he can do( to help people it was nver forhimself) he never used he man for any selfish reasons.) , so right there i don't think the  He likes being Heman was enough of a thing for him to  choose Heman over  being king. - Adam may indeed like being he man but irrelevant


The kingship is something Adam can do too .  He'd use the kingship as he Does with HeMan.. To help people.


HOWEVER  Adam did have motivation  to give the kingship away.

He literally seen the universe fall apart without him in it. His Family, and friends, .. the people , and  Dont forget the woman he loved needed him and Heman,so much she went to heaven  AND HELL to get him back  . That's why he gave up Preternias reward . why woludn't it be true here?

SO  true to adam being the greatest moral compass. .  he needs to be Heman for everyone else. not for himself.


 what do you all think? does my head cannon hold any weight? . are their any other motivations  adam may have?

do you like teds motivation? . i think its fun.


he can and HAS given the power up


WE have the power!.



He-Dad reacted
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My best bet was so Mattel could get

into it without causing legal issues with her being a
simply put the
POP brand is using princesses the same way MOTU uses masters
so it could be the main reason.

Catra Wink

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@catra  im not saying  this is a bad direciton, i like it.

and your prolly right about 



i just believe hed choose heman over kingship because  of the huge event that just happened (revelations). not simply because he likes being he man . thats all.


and aslong as we get a

. sigh atleast we get that.

  could be worse.


pout ,but i want SHE RA too




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The meta could be so much more simple. Adam becoming king is MOTUs "and they happily lived forever after. The End." moment. They will have SOOOOOO much more freedom telling stories if (what I hope) Eternia adopts a britain type system with a democracy but lots of traditional royalty flavour. And considering that Eternias royalty is unconditionally living by the code of noblesse oblige and always was a beloved force for its people that should work easily.

So Eternia has a system and Adam is free to be He-Man as a champion.

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That is how I see it, @lurker-man. Eternia will have a parliament and a monarch like Brittain. An elected rerpresentative government and a figurehead.

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I guess it depends on how you look at how Eternia is ruled. In certain canons Randor was the ultimate ruler of Eternia but there were other kingdoms, dukedoms, fiefdoms etc. they all acted independently but fell under the rule of the ultimate ruler. In other canons we see councils like the one Randor set up with other rulers in the 200X cartoon with the likes of Dactys, Carnivus etc. in the newspaper strips Eternia was governed by a council headed by the King. 
in revelation\Revolution it would seem that Randor ruled the whole of Eternia without council and now will be ruled by a government. 
i would have liked to see Adam and teela as heads of state but with tradition but without power. Much like the monarchy of the UK. For example the British monarch dissolves parliament when a general election is called and meets with the victor to invite them to form a new parliament, also all bills that have been voted by majority are then taken to monarch who approves them and allows them to be made law. 
I think Adam,however, knew that he-man would always be needed and thus would never be able to fully concentrate on ruling Eternia when he had to focus on its protection.

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@dan1980 interesting point of view.

 i agree he would never be able to concentrate on kingsihp. becuase of his  dutys as he man.

and knowing that and what just happened with out he man. there was no doubt the wouldnt be able to be king .

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I think the whole idea of dissolving the monarchy was shown because it is the antithesis of the Horde. An autocracy / dictatorship, e.g. Randor / Hordak went against everything Adam and co. were fighting for. They saw how disillusioned and drunk with power one person can become when the Horde swept from planet to planet and essentially colonized each one.

If you think about it, the She-Ra cartoon was headed in the same direction all those years ago with the Great Rebellion.

And, if Marlena can impart an entire Earth-based holiday season - revolving around a specific religion - on Eternia, then it isn't so hard to believe that she has been planting the seeds of Democracy for a while now...

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@ornclown forsure she def taught adam about earth  and earth history.

and being she came from america and  known for voting in elections and such. she defintely taught him about  earth politics. ESP because they were preping him  to be the king.  that extra wisdom from his mom was HUGE.


so i agree that post his decision. Marlena played a huge role in.. what to do after he decided.


i dont think it  was a huge factor While he was was deciding for himself. JUST becasuse he tried to give it to keldor his uncle  riht away. he wanted someone good and capable of leading  to lead eternia.  so that was an easy choice .

now that he learned  how easily power can be abused /corrupting even as a king.  ofcourse hes gonig to go in the oposite fdirection and marlenalessons and aaaadvice surely came into play  giving the power back to the people.

which i really liked the sentiment.

litterally kevin /ted/ rob saying YOU have the power.

 all of us.

and i think thats the most honest easilest and smallest gesture but still meaningful to me.

so thank you !










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It could lead to some interesting sub-plots or sub-themes at least. We do not have the retold a hundred times "people freed themselves from oppression" story development here but rather people got a new system out of a beloved kingdom.

But then again; Eternians did had a lot of personal freedom already which is likely part of why the kingdom was beloved so the only confusing new thing for them would be to elect a new "King" every now and then (which they likely not even perceive as a them problem since thats the Kings job anyway; or they might just ask, much to her annoyance, the former Queen who would be the proper choice 😛 ).

.. oh my... following that they might not even care at all whatever new government says unless either Marleena or Adam add something to it.

This could lead to some to us really tasty Monty Phyton like discussion between common Eternians about politics since their view on it might be similar in some aspects but totally alien (well, litereally) in others.

*takes a deep breath* Na, don't think so. But its a nice thought train.

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Posted by: @kewnst

He literally seen the universe fall apart without him in it. His Family, and friends, .. the people , and  Dont forget the woman he loved needed him and Heman,so much she went to heaven  AND HELL to get him back  . That's why he gave up Preternias reward . why wouldn’t it be true here?

SO  true to adam being the greatest moral compass. .  he needs to be Heman for everyone else. not for himself.

Why didn't I take the tike to read this thread before? Teddy was off base but you nailed it.

Simon Cowell Wow GIF by America


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@he-dad  thanks you honor me .

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Your analysis is very plausible. In my view, however, as soon as Adam wakes up from Kevin's fever dream, it's still 1984 and Randor is king. 


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@endzeit filmation he man is best he man bar none.

but revelations and revolution is a nice mature take with faithful as they cna get without licensing issues. and a new spin which most do these day.s

 like how many times has peter pan Frankenstein  dracula ectra  been told with a different spin on them each?


you have a fav batman i assume?

 and one u dont like.?

what if the only defacto bat man  was hte one u hated? and u never knew about the one u love?

 yah thats why theres so many spins. u find one u like.



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