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We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new Mattel Creations Vykron deluxe figure from the Masterverse New Eternia action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below!
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We have the Power!
I still think the Eagle Tank Head looks more like a bionic Triceratops , but the idea of using 2 He-man to display all 3 is genius. Great Review and great idea!
Mine came in the mail today. Really great figure I must say. I think I'm gonna have to get the extra He-men also to display all three. I'm about to watch the review video now so I don't know if AJ mentions it, but it seems to me you won't be able to get the leg armor parts over a he-man boot with a knife holder on it. Maybe with heat, haven't tried it yet.Â
@christophno indeed! Bionatops is a great comparison. The color works too! It does (to me) seem to line up with a lot of things, but nothing I can say - Wow, that's what Mattel used to model the eagle tank armor after like I can with the space suit. Maybe it's out there and no one has nailed it yet. Then again, perhaps you nailed it! 🤔 😀
@ravewayneboo I did not try it with the New Eternia He-Man but the Revelation He-Mans worked great... although the Eagle Armor head will sit extremely loose on it! 😀
We have the Power!
@RaveWayneBoo With the helmet being loose but only the chin visible when on you could always use fun tack on the non helmeted New Eternia head to fill the gaps on the Tank helmet. Quicker than modifying a New Eternia helmeted head, but painting the hair black and keeping the horns intact does make a quick Vikor stand in.Â
@christophno thanks dude I will look into that. I just started customizing in last two months so I'm thankful for any and all tips. Is fun tack something that would be at like a hobby lobby or better to buy online?
 Hey  RaveWayneBoo , you can probably find it at any hobby store, but here is a link for Amazon if you would rather have it shipped.
 RaveWayneBoo oh, to swap the boots out easy I've always used heated water.( hot but not boiling) Let them soak for a few minutes to soften the plastic and they should pop off faster than a pair of crocs.Â
@christophno my man thank you so much for your help. Much appreciated!! I just ordered two King Grayskulls off of Ebay for 11$ each free shipping. I saw someone else post that they were gonna use him for Vykron space suit so when I saw King Grayskull on sale for that cheap I'm like ok I'll get two. I still needed one to add to collection and the second would be perfect for space suit like someone else said. Thanks for the water tip too, I'll swap King Grayskull and viking He-man boots if I use him instead of a revelation He-man
Oh i'm digging " Bionatops." Copyright that before Mattel lol.
Too late. Mattel already copyrighted it decades ago... 🙂
And I know it's probably a pipedream, but I hoped Masterverse would release one! (Perhaps I'll make a custom one day!)
We have the Power!
@admin By Zoar ! this is literally the first time I'm seeing it and and it is glorious. I didn’t know they actually made the bionic dino's for retail and that is awesome.
I was always a figure over vehicle kid so other than Battle Cat/Cringer and Panthor, which were in my child mind a necessity ( because they were characters ) ; I would always gravitate to the figure racks in the store and bypass the rest.Â
Building a custom Bionatops is definitely doable with the Jurassic Park line and some after market cannons. Plus... posing a King Grayskull on top of a bionic Triceratops with lasers blazing would be epic!Â
Awesome , I built my current stand in Clamp Champ out of a second King Grayskull I got off Ebay. If you search "MOTU Masterverse Lot " you can sometimes find great deals on parts and body bucks to kit bash characters that haven't been released yet.
Just keep experimenting till you find techniques and materials that what works for you brother.
@christophno throw up a pic of your Clamp Champ if you are able too. I currently have a stand in Mechaneck and King Randor.
@christophno oh man that's dope! I think I'm getting two King Grayskulls in the mail today. Someone on ebay had a bunch of him for 11$ free shipping. I'm gonna use one for Vykron space or military suit, haven't decided yet untill I get either a second viking He-man or someone else for the other suit. Me and my son love kitbashing too.