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Two-Head + Bebop + Rocksteady = Bopsteady? I love the idea; it's perfect!
Rumors are swirling about Casey, Mikey, Skeletor, and Teela in the next wave. and there've been hints about Leatherhead. I'm really hoping we also see Splinter, Baxter Stockman, and some other mutated or otherwise turtled-up Eternians (Fisto, Evil Lyn, Mer-Man, Spikor, Buzz-Off, Stratos...)
It would be nice if they added She-Ra.
@talonfighter How about "Adora, Channel 6 News' Newest Intern"?
She always manages to get footage of that barbarian woman with the sword who started showing up in New York!
@talonfighter How about "Adora, Channel 6 News' Newest Intern"?
She always manages to get footage of that barbarian woman with the sword who started showing up in New York!
I 💗 IT!!!!!
So here are the waves so far:
Wave 1:
Standard: He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Donatello, Leonardo
Deluxe: Mouse Jaw, Krang
Wave 2:
Standard: Raphael, Shredder, Beast Man, Ram Man
Deluxe: Sla-Ker, Moss Man
Wave 3:
Standard: Teela, Casey, Mikey, Skeletor
Deluxe: Leatherhead, Splinter
Wave 4:
We have Hordak left from the poster so that leaves 5 empty slots, 2 of which are deluxe. I am hoping for more female figures but we're not likely to get more than 1. Still I am gonna hope for at least April and Evil-Lyn. Bebop and Rocksteady would be cool too.Â
@herapop Do we have good conformation for wave 3?
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
Splinter will be a target exclusive
Leatherhead will be a Walmart exclusiveÂ
According to toy habitsÂ
@brasco if I were in Mattel's position I'd be sending out false information. Something different to each department to try and track down this anonymous source aka "leak"
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
@smitty-81 it could be someone that works for either target or Walmart too. Regardless there would be a dozen other blabber mouths following suit
@brasco Toy Habits has been fairly good with their "anonymous sources" before. The only miss I can think of is when they said Terroar and Lord Gr'Asp were going to be in wave 13 and/or 14
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
So here are the waves so far:
Wave 1:
Standard: He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Donatello, Leonardo
Deluxe: Mouse Jaw, Krang
Wave 2:
Standard: Raphael, Shredder, Beast Man, Ram Man
Deluxe: Sla-Ker, Moss Man
Wave 3:
Standard: Teela, Casey, Mikey, Skeletor
Deluxe: Leatherhead, SplinterÂ
Wave 4:
We have Hordak left from the poster so that leaves 5 empty slots, 2 of which are deluxe. I am hoping for more female figures but we're not likely to get more than 1. Still I am gonna hope for at least April and Evil-Lyn. Bebop and Rocksteady would be cool too.Â
Forgot to add that we're getting a build a figure with the first two waves of deluxe figures so we might also possibly get another build a figure with the second two waves of deluxe figures. So this line might round up to 26 figures in total.
@herapop the build a figures need to stay and not just for mutant ninja teenagers.
@talonfighter They would need to do more deluxe figures in Origins for that to work. They're doing 2 per wave in the turtles line.
Splinter will be a target exclusive
Leatherhead will be a Walmart exclusiveÂ
According to toy habitsÂ
If that's true Splinter will most likely come with the head and upper body of the BAF if there is one.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
@smitty-81 Not sure which piece he'll come with but that's assuming the second two waves of deluxe figures will also have a BAF.
@herapop if Splinter is a deluxe and there's no BAF then hopefully he comes with a butt load of weapons or extra parts for the turtles.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025