We have a new review to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Catra action figure based on the Filmation animated series “She-Ra Princess of Power“! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch […]
The historic Archie Comics have been publishing comic books about an American teenage boy named “Archie” for over 80 years. Raised in the town of Riverdale, Archie has spent most of his teenage life in a love triangle with two girls… one being a rich girl named Veronica and the other being the girl next […]
It’s Pre-Order time! The latest waves of the Masters of the Universe Masterverse “New Eternia” figures… and Origins “Cartoon Collection” figures… are now available for Pre-Order at fan channel retailers! Here are some No Affiliation Links: We’ll see you next time!
Mattel keeps pumping out awesome new artwork from their Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” action figure line. This time featuring illustrations for Faker from the classic cartoon series “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” and Leech and Catra from “She-Ra: Princess of Power“, this beautiful cardback art by Francisco Etchart was shared by Mattel packaging designer Roy Juarez over […]
The current Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” action figure wave featuring Filmation renditions of She-Ra, Ram Man and Mantenna have barely been out… and Mattel is already teasing the what is coming after the next wave featuring Tri-Klops’ Man-E-Faces and Hordak! Comprised of Faker from the classic cartoon series “He-Man and the Masters of the […]