PRE-ORDER ALERT! Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” FROSTA, BUZZ-OFF and (INVISIBLE) SKELETOR figures are now available for pre-order

It’s Pre-Order time! The latest wave of the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” action figures are now available for Pre-Order! While currently only available for pre-order at (no affiliation link) we expect availability of FROSTA, BUZZ-OFF and (INVISIBLE) SKELETOR to show up soon at other fan channel retailers as well. Here are […]

Pre-Orders for Mondo BUZZ-OFF 1:6 Scale Timed Edition Figure begin Tuesday December 10th

We finally have pre-order info for Mondo’s Masters of the Universe Buzz-Off 1/6 Scale “Timed Edition” Figure! Here are all the official details: So if you are interested, be sure to pre-order the Buzz-Off – Timed Edition starting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 10th at NOON CT only at (No affiliation) We’ll see you next time!

New Mondo 1:6 Scale Masters of the Universe BUZZ-OFF Figure Revealed at New York Comic Con

This past July at the San Diego International Comic-Con, Mondo revealed (via concept art) an upcoming 1:6 Scale Buzz-Off and Man-E-Faces figure. Well today through a special New York Comic Con livestream, Mondo revealed the actual 1:6 scale figure of Buzz-Off. Check it out: Totally redesigned from the ground up, Mondo briefly explained that their […]

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