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Last seen: Mar 28, 2025
Where are the new Revolution figures? 😭
It's not just a mustache! I can see his beard!
The box says Man of War so maybe Man o War was a typo.
LOLOLOL You guys are great.
Now this is the news I am begging for. Please announce season 3!
😅 Don't forget Gamora
Wowza! That is a very sexy green woman!
Okay I zoomed in and I think I see it now. It blends in with the black so I thought it wasn't there. Thanks. {smile}:he-man:
Does Man-of-War only have a mustache? I thought Duncan had a full beard in Revolution.
@brasco I just realized Duncan says Man o War not Man of War. Is that a typo?
After being on the fence for a while I finally broke down and got a Back to the Future 2 Ultimate Griff figure. I wish it looked like Thomas Wilson mo...
@smokinya Our conversation just got real!
@asterstar I forgot about Terminator Genisis. That CG was amazing!
@smokinya I have been thinking a lot about it and I am OK with them using CG as long as it doesn't look fake. Is there any examples out there where CG...
@darkliger That sounds cool! I hope to read it when you're done. I wish I could create a comic but I don't have any art skills.
She is definitely Shadow Weaver. When AJ interviewed Tim Rob and Ted and asked if she was Shadow Weaver they squirmed and ignored the question. It was...
I really like that. He reminds me of Conan when he was a gladiator. c14746bd8a131a041a354cb5ef155122.jpg
@smokinya PEDs are controlled substances right? As far as I know using them to build muscle is not medically legal. There must be doctors out there wh...
What do you think about Hugh Jackman? Do you think he took PEDs too? Someone told me you can tell by the veins that they don't pop out naturally like ...
They should make figures out of the other three towers!
I like it! He has a very strong jawline. His eyes are intense. I think with some blonde hair dye and 6 months of working out he can look the part. Peo...
This is awesome! Family trip to the movies surrounded by my motu friends! Please let this happen! {power}:he-man3: {power}:she-ra3:
@asterstar Most people know him from Borat but he man can act too! If you have Netflix watch The Spy.
Great podcast! I think she is definitely Shadow Weaver based on their reaction. They were squirming. 😂 I love this community so much. Even the creator...