Your Story |
Growing up, I knew of the franchise’s existence because my parents and uncle were 80s kids but never consumed any content. I surprisingly didn’t get into the franchise until I was a lot older. Have been a huge toy collector for years, mainly Transformers Generations and Star Wars Vintage Collection (ESPECIALLY the former) and as a fan of sci-fi and toy history, the franchise was definitely my thing. The Dreamworks She-Ra show was the first MOTU related content I consumed and watched the final episodes as they came out and enjoyed it. What made me start collecting was when the Origins was starting. Again, as a toy consumer and somewhat historian you could say, I love retro homages and a line dedicated to modernizing the original toyline for a new age complete with retro packaging is my thing. 2022. Had acquired eight figures, Battle Cat, Panthor and the Sky Sled with Adam while watching the campy Filmation toon (Yeah I love it as much as G1 Transformers), becoming a casual fan and then I just…..stopped. Why? I don’t know or remember exactly and went back to collecting other things and now I’ve just come back after three years wanting to be more into the franchise and this fandom. Why?
1. BigBadToyStore having banger sales. I got the infamous Origins wave 7. The one with the naked mini-comic Stratos that was a massive pegwarmer. (Seriously I have NO IDEA why Mattel made it more common than normal Strat), four figures usually going for $20, I paid $19 for 4! and that’s just the best example. Also wanted to complete the main cast (OG toy based versions) of which some not on BBTS I had to resort to eBay (Teela, Duncan, Mr. Beast)
2. The upcoming movie. Even when I was off being a fan, I knew that MOTU would make an amazing film franchise. I still am holding out hope for it. Even with the plot involving Earth that I’m sure will only be in it 20-30 minutes max and Jared Leto as Skeletor (It’s Skellin’ time). Travis Knight is directing. Anyone ever seen Bumblebee? From what we know the cast and crew are very enthusiastic. Also this is Mattel’s 2nd major film. You think they’d wanna make the worst film choices ever for a MOTU film after their first film was faithful to the brand legacy, appealed to everyone and made a billion worldwide?
3. Consuming more content: I recently finally watched Revelation and Revolution fully knowing the very controversial first episode twist ‘cuz internet, but loved it nonetheless, especially Revolution. Excited for Part 3 if it’s hopefully still happening.
This is the first forum site I’ve ever been apart of.
Overall MOTU is a franchise that really does feel like it’s for me and I’m willing to converse with fans as I consume more content. So far as of now I’ve seen Filmation (the He-man half), the ’87 movie, Dreamworks She-Ra and again, Revelation/Revolution. I’m collecting Origins. Masterverse isn’t really my thing with their 8-inch scale, but may grab some in the future for a good sale price.
One more thing. With all the crossovers Mattel has been doing recently likely for brand awareness, Stranger Things, TMNT, Thundercats, very likely Transformers at least very soon, there is one franchise I’m very surprised no one has even suggested or discussed considering their similarities when you think about them. Here’s some hints:
– swords and emeralds
– skulls and eggs
– Famous 80s IP and Famous 90s IP
– Power……..and speed
Name, Nickname or Username (Seen by All) |
Favorite MOTU Character(s) |
Skeletor, Trap Jaw, Orko (Some see him as annoying. To me he's adorable), Dreamworks Entrapta and Hordak (Entrapdak 4 life)