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Why Has No One Done a Series on Prince Dare?

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Royal Guard
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I've seen the pitch Lou Schimer proposed to I believe DIC in the 90s and other than the fact they could've used better New Masters character concepts, it didn't sound horrible, but Masters of the Universe other than the minicoms during Classic has never really explored Adam and Teela's son Dare's time on Eternia as the Second He-Ro. Do you think the Revelation/Revolution universe could explore him at some point? 

Royal Guard
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I don't know much at all about Dare except from classics like you mentioned. I feel like I read a comic with him in it so must have been from that line I assume. I went on a tear a while back reading every comic I could find online. So count me in as someone who would want this explored. 

Royal Guard
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@ravewayneboo I thought about doing my own version. I had a fan made saga sort of planned out and it would've covered Dare. I however would not use characters like Air Bag and Forlift or whatever their names were. I'm still working on making my own Masters, but Dare and Kayla would stay.

Royal Guard
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@deltavax heck yeah hope you finish it up and post it for us to enjoy

We Have The Power Admin
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I think a spinoff to a Revelation trilogy featuring Adam's and Teela's son would be amazing! 🙂 If we could only be so lucky that these Powerhouse Animation Netflix series remain that successful!

(I wonder if Adam would name his son D'are to honor King Grayskull's lost son of the same name.) 🤔 

We have the Power!

Royal Guard
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@admin Based in the Revelation Universe, it wouldn't surprise me. That was my theory when the comic was first released, if they ever get that far.

Palace Guard
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It would be pretty interesting. In the classics canon, Dare only spends five years as He-Ro II and at some point becomes Sorcerer of Grayskull. All we really know about He-Ro II is from the classics mini comics and some vague references in the bios

Durendal reacted
Adam_Prince of Eternia
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Posted by: @deltavax

I've seen the pitch Lou Schimer proposed to I believe DIC in the 90s and other than the fact they could've used better New Masters character concepts, it didn't sound horrible, but Masters of the Universe other than the minicoms during Classic has never really explored Adam and Teela's son Dare's time on Eternia as the Second He-Ro. Do you think the Revelation/Revolution universe could explore him at some point? 

In He-Ro: Son of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, King Adam and Queen Teela do not have a son. They have a daughter named Kay-La, who trains under Man-At-Arms, and is Captain of the Royal Guard. Dare arrives on Eternia with amnesia, and Adam and Teela adopt him.

His true identity
that he is the lost son of Princess Adora and Sea Hawk . . .
. . . is the mystery of the series.



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